Friday, August 6, 2010

Improving everyday shots of your family.

My personal favorite rule for getting better pictures of your family:


If your kids aren't feeling it, don't force them into a photo op, the few pictures you miss on any given day are well worth missing if it means your child will not cringe everytime he sees you with your camera.

My pointers:

1.  Overcast days will be your best friend when it comes to photographing your family.  Clouds soften the light coming in and help to prevent harsh shadows under the eyes.

2.  If you are out in the mid day sun try to find some shade, take a few shots here and compare them to those that you are taking in full sun, I am willing to bet you are going to like the shaded shots better.

3.  Get on the same level as your kids, I am thinking this should have been pointer number one.  When you are shooting down on your children you miss some of their facial expressions, and not to mention it makes your kiddo's head look gianormous!  So get on your hands and knees, lay on your belly, roll in the dirt if you feel like it, just shoot from a lower perspective, you will love the results.

4.  Take a step back and look at what is behind your child.  Is it a lovely waterfall or big ugly trash can with a dog peeing on it?  You will be amazed at what changing your angle or moving a foot or 2 will do for your shot.

5.  Let the kids play!  Rather than saying, "sit here, by your brother, like this, now smile" follow the kiddos around, catch them in their element.  Not all of your family photos need to be posed.

6.  Only use flash if you have to.  If you are in a situation where you think flash isn't needed and auto mode on your camera keeps trying to kick the flash on, try overriding it.  If it has a "P" mode, try shooting in this and see what happens.  This isn't a fix all by any stretch and this will be covered in later posts, so for now, just remember only flash if necessary.

Stay tuned for more tips!

And for your viewing enjoyment, a picture of my beautiful daughter!

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